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Dr Federico Lembo President CEO

Former Communication Manager of INA ASSITALIA now in Generali Italia Communication and Events.


Dott.ssa Roberta Anati  Chief Marketing and Development Officer

CEO Italia Brand Group International ( innovative brand consultancy ) CEO Euroisrael ( Business Development, M&A, Venture Capitalist, Innovation Technology expert ) Former Vice President Israel Italy Chamber of Commerce


Prof.ssa Paola Virgili  Chief Scientist and Operating Officer

1997-2001 Suprintendence Cultural Heritage of Rome Municipality. Manager ad interim of Direzione Monumenti Antichi e Scavi 2001-2010 Suprintendence ai Beni Culturali del Comune di Roma

Manager Direzione Monumenti ed Aree Archeologiche del Suburbio, Mura Aureliane, Nuove Metropolitane di Roma


PHD Asher Peretz Chief  Technology Officer Phd in Physics, Professeur at Strasbourg University


Dr Joseph Rizzello Head of Financial Board Former CEO Stock National Exchange – USA


Dr. Gianluca Settepani Financial Advisor - Studio Gnudi


Giuseppe Masoni Legal Advisor - Studio Ripa di Meana e Associati


Avv. Francesco Viero  Partner



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